Woo-Vtiger Syncing (Same Host)
$159.00Woo-Vtiger Syncing is the only plugin with smart sync feature that makes it possible for scheduled background sync; no manual input is required from your CRM or website users.
The Woo-Vtiger Syncing plugin is an essential tool to help you synchronize data(orders, products and customers) instantly between Woocommerce and vtigerCRM automatically, without manual entry. Forget about manually entering your e-commerce sales into your CRM. Save hours a day by doing this automatically with the Woo-Vtiger Syncing plugin.
Woo-Vtiger Syncing(Different Host)
The Woo-Vtiger Syncing plugin is an essential tool to help you synchronize data(orders, products and customers) instantly between Woocommerce and vtigerCRM automatically, without manual entry. Forget about manually entering your e-commerce sales into your CRM. Save hours a day by doing this automatically with the Woo-Vtiger Syncing plugin.
Google Tag Manager
Magento 2 Google Tag Manager is a tool specially developed for managing tags on the website. It has several advantages and you can access central account to manage tags on the web and add all the third party tracking codes and analytics and much more. The best part is that it improves agility and almost eliminates dependency on the development team, as you can easily add scripts by using Google Tag Manager.
PrestaShop NoCaptcha reCaptcha
- PrestaShop Google No Captcha reCaptcha has a better protection and user experience.
- Compared to traditional captcha, reCAPTCHA is way more user-friendly with the "I'm not a Robot" checkbox.
- Flexible administrative configuration panel.
- After making changes in the site backend, the reCaptcha preview can be viewed instantly in the backend itself
- By using the "Custom" option in the backend the user can customize the reCaptcha Design
Magento 2 Form Builder Extension
- Magento 2 Form Builder which helps you create forms by which you can gather all important information from a large number of customers.
- Manage customers and their transactional information in the smart forms can optimize your management successfully.
Magento 2 SMTP Extension
- With Magento 2 SMTP Extension, you will have more chances to send reliable emails faster from the local hosting or custom SMTP server.
- Moreover, the testing process for all emails becomes easier with debug mode.
- And also, you have right to log all sent emails and see them in detail as well.
Magento 2 Order Tracking Pro
- Magento 2 Order Tracking Pro will help you create informative tracking order solution for both customers and Admin.
- After payment is complete, they can track directly order shipping status without login until the order arrives easily.
Payeezy First Data With Stored Cards for Magento 2
$0.00Save your credit cards for future transactions with Payeezy First Data payment gateway extension- Save credit cards on First Data server & use for all future Purchases.
- Online partial refunds( Refund offline/Refund online)
- Add, delete credit card details from customer dashboard.
- View, add, edit and delete each customer's credit cards details from admin.
- Place order using saved credit cards from backend.
- Card save option in checkout page and customer dashboard for customer.
- PCI compliant payment gateway extension.
- The extension is compatible with Magento Community Edition 2.0 and above.
Blouse Customization
Regular Price: $199.00
Special Price $149.00
- Allows customers to select stitching option on the detail page.
- Admin has control to show this option in any selected single category, multiple categories or any specific products
- Step by step process for a web visitor to select the option like design, size and also finally he/she can review the product.
- Requires no manual configuration.
- Easy installation.
- Meets Magento programming guidelines.
- 100% open source.
- Free support.
- Free bug fixes.
- Free updates (within the same major version branch).
- Options to enable or disable the extension any time from admin.
COD Checker
by MageComp
$29.00Let your customers check the availability of product delivery along with expected delivery time to their zip code using Magento COD Checker.
- Display Cash on delivery availability using Zip Codes.
- Option to restrict COD for particular zip codes.
- Option to show City name along with expected delivery time.
- Admin can upload CSV file along with information they are willing to show.
- Extension is easy to setup as well as 100% Open source module.
Delivery Date Extension
by MageComp
$29.00Magento Delivery Date extension by MageComp allows your customer to pick their convenience product delivery date and time while checkout product.
- Option to Enable extension from backend.
- Admin can specify days of internal between order and delivery.
- Option to set holiday calendar.
- Customer can specify delivery date and time along with custom message if they need.
- Option to disable next day delivery.
- Support multistore environment without affecting core files.
- Admin can also disable delivery for specific group of customers.
File Upload
by MageComp
$39.00Magento File upload Extension allows uploading media and document files for users to download from any CMS page
- Option to show downloads counter on frontend for users to encourage clicking to download.
- Admin can set login option mandatory to allow downloads.
- Admin can create category for store views and categories files uploads.
- Admin can set download label and description related to the file on frontend to show users.
- Enable and allow file upload for product detail page or any CMS page.
- Set title, parent category, store view, customers groups for a file while creating a file upoad.
- Admin can limit downloads of a particular file from backend.
- Option to select numbers of CMS pages from the list of a particular uploaded file.
- An uploaded file can be assigned to multiple products selected from backend while creating file upload.
- Supports following file types to upload from backend:
- Word Documents – doc, docx, vsd, pdf, rtf, txt
- Excel Spreadsheets - xls
- Powerpoint presentation files – ppt, pptx, pps, pot
- XML files – htm, html, xml
- Database files – mdb
- image files – psd, jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, bmp, png, tif, tiff
- Audio files – mp3, wma, mid, midi, rmi, au, snd
- Video files – mpeg, mpg, mpe, wmv, avi
- Archieves – zip, rar, cab, gz, tar
- Open office files – sdw, sda, sdc, sdd, sdp
- Other files – js, dll, php, ps, dvi, swf, chm
Magento GEO Ip Redirect
by MageComp
$49.00Magento GEOIP redirect extension identifies users IP location using Maxmind database and redirect user to specific store view and switches store currency.
- Option to Enable or Disable extension from backend.
- Comes with an option to synchronizes Maxmind database to identity User’s IP & location.
- The extension will automatically redirect users to specific store view.
- Identifies user location and automatically switches default store currency.
Magento Order On WhatsApp
by MageComp
$39.00Magento Order on WhatsApp Extension by MageComp let store customer order a product on WhatsApp and resolve their per-purchase query quickly.
- Backend option to enable or disable extension as per need.
- Admin can choose an option to display 'Order on WhatsApp' button only on mobile devices if need.
- You can select button size as per your requirement from store backend.
- Store admin have to add own WhatsApp Mobile Number and a default push message to receive with product details.
- You can use default API to shorten URL if needed.
- The extension is design to work with all Browsers.
Magento Order Tracking
by MageComp
$49.00Magento Order Tracking extension lets store customers, track order shipment status from their account section at any time.
- The user can enable or disable extension from store backend.
- Supports different types of shipping carriers like DHL, Delhivery, Bluedart, and USPS.
- No need to track an order's shipment from shipment carrier website.
- The customer can check order status at any time from their account section.
- Simply provides all information on a new window.
- Extension helps to save time for both by the easy availability of shipment tracking.
- You can setup Bluedart shipping just by adding license key and login id.
Magento Payment Fee
by MageComp
$35.00Magento Payment Fee extension, lets the store owner pass payment provider fee to the customer and encourage them to pick cost-effective method.
- Backend Option to Enable Extension.
- Option to calculate the surcharge on subtotal, shipping, tax as well as by excluding discounts.
- Admin can even enable extension of the specific payment method.
- You can even set custom payment surcharge fee title.
- Store Backend option to enable payment surcharge on the specific customer group.
- Automatically payment surcharge will be displayed on all Magento generated invoices.
Magento Product Labels
by MageComp
$39.00Magento Product Labels extension allows highlighting products with colorful labels based various configured rules.
- There are many ways you can use Product Labels extension in your Magento, some of them are:
- Highlight offers, sales and discounts with “On sale”, “Save 15%”
- Launch of new products with “New”, “Just arrived” labels
- Showing trust factors like “100% original”, “no side effect”, “Eco Friendly”, “5* rated”
- Call to action to attract customers like “Save 25%”, “Buy now and save more”, “only 2 days left”, “Free delivery”
- Show brands of various products by showing logos as labels
- Emphasize key information of the product such as “Waterproof”, “Unbreakable”, “Recyclable”
- Clear stock items by showing “Few stock left”, “Stock Clearance”, “5 left”, “Limited period offer”
- Create conditions to trigger a rule and show labels based on rules.
- Specify store views for the application of rules.
- Apply multiple labels on the same product by applying multiple rules for it.
- Set priorities for labels and hide labels with lower priorities.
- Set date range to show labels for specific time period.
- Add or remove labels easily by specifying SKUs of products.
- Set label position from backend to show accordingly on frontend.
- You can even set different images and texts for both product and categories.
- Make use of predefined variables for the label texts.
- Easily manage all product labels through a grid in backend.
Install Product Labels and give customers no chance to leave your store without making a purchase.
- There are many ways you can use Product Labels extension in your Magento, some of them are:
Magento Send Shipping
by MageComp
$99.00Magento Sendd Shipping extension by MageComp allows your store customers to pick best shipping method from available shipping methods based on their zip code.
- Option to Enable extension from backend.
- Extension fetches available shipping method based on their zip code.
- Enable users to pick shipping type out of three.
- Allows country specific shipping methods.
- Customized message to display for unavailability of shipping method.
- Displays all order details in admin backend.
- There is an option to show sender logo, caption and footer text in order invoice.
Magento Shipping Per Product
by MageComp
$25.00Magento Shipping Per Product extension facilitates you to set global and individual shipping rates per product in your Magento store.
- Setting default rate for shipping product.
- Individual rate for shipping product.
- Custom Method name & title for shipping charge.
- Enable shipping charge based on country.
- Custom Unavailability shipping message.
- Displays shipping charges separately in total order.
Magento Social Login
by MageComp
$29.00Magento Social Login extension allows user to quickly sign up or sign in using their social media accounts.
- User can enable or disable extension from store backend.
- Supports up to 5 different social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, and Yahoo.
- User account is automatically created.
- Admin can enable this extension for both sign up and sign in.
- Automatically fetches user data and store it into database.
- Admin can access customer data at any time from backend.