WordPress PayPal module - Safest E-Commerce Payment Method for WordPress website

How to Setup the Safest E-Commerce Payment Method for WordPress website?

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In the world of digitization, while businesses are going online in a blink of an eye, you can’t afford to dilatory with the offline business. If we go by the data then approximately 1.8 billion people shopped online in the year 2018 and more and more buyers are entering the league by each passing minute. 

Along with the soaring number of online buyers, one thing is also expanding and it is online fraud. In the year 2018, around 3 million identity theft and fraud reports were reported. Whenever we talk about e-commerce, setting up a safe and secure payment gateway always settles as the foremost priority. Your buyers will not purchase from your website if they face hassled payment processing or identity theft threat while making a payment on your online business platform.  

PayPal is one of the most famed and advanced payment plugins that allow your users to make payment through flexible payment gateways, can easily accept multiple currencies, and allow you to get hassle-free payment transfer. To integrate this payment method into your e-commerce website, you need a WordPress PayPal advanced plugin that can conduct hassle-free payment transfers without exerting great monthly fee burden on your shoulders. 

WP E-Commerce PayPal Payments Advanced Plugin is what makes it possible. With SSL-free operations and multiple credit card support systems, this WordPress PayPal module is indeed the best bet.

How WP E-Commerce PayPal Payments Advanced Plugin is better than others?

It keeps the buyer on-site throughout the checkout process

One of the most common types of online payment fraud is Pagejacking. In this type of fraud, the hackers reroute the traffic of your e-commerce website to any other website and take the buyer to any other malicious website to steal the data. To prevent thisWP E-Commerce PayPal Payments Advanced Plugin keeps the buyer on your e-commerce website page throughout the checkout process.

Read Also: WordPress eCommerce integrated with First Data Payment Gateway

PayPal-powered payment security

The payment security of this WordPress PayPal module is taken care of by PayPal itself. With high encryption and strong coding, this plugin makes online buying a safe and secure process for your buyers. 

The quick and hassle-free check-out process 

 In most of the e-commerce website, buyers have to redirect to any other page that increases the payment fraud.  E-Commerce WordPress PayPal advanced Plugin offers redirecting-free payment processing and put a cap on increased fraud hazard.

Easy refunding 

Payment refund is an integral part of an online business. If a buyer is not happy with the product quality or placed an order with mistake then he would like to return the product and will ask for the payment refund. Just as online payment should be safe and secure, your refund process should be quick and hassle-free to maintain a rapport with the customers.

WP E-Commerce PayPal Payments Advanced Plugin supports refund directly from the configuration page and leverages it at every level.

Goes well with any theme 

This WordPress PayPal module has been designed to get along with any of the wordpress website themes. You can also do endless styling to make it the best fit as per your website design and page layout. 

Comes with a cost-effective price tag

PayPal will charge only $5 per month to accept payment from this payment plugin no matter how many payments you receive throughout the month. In this fee, you also get a support authorization facility from PayPal. 

So, what are you waiting for? Start using WP E-Commerce PayPal Payments Advanced Plugin for e-commerce and endow your buyers with a pleasant, leveraged, and secure payment processing facility. 

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