Secured Payment Transaction

Secured Payment Transaction Module For PrestaShop Store

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The most important thing that an eCommerce Website must take care of, being the secured payment Transaction gateway. The checkout process should be seamless and your customer must not scare to share their details.

PrestaShop is a popular eCommerce platform where you like to build your eCommerce store. It might their galore of features for which you have chosen the site, but above all, it is the most secured to integrate the third party payment application mode.

PrestaShop PayPal Payment Module

They have launched the PayPal Payment Gateway, which is one of the advanced PrestaShop extensions. It helps you to integrate the process payments through PayPal Advanced payment integration with PayPal directly. It is able to support the following features-

Authorize & Capture

  • Authorize only and Capture later feature
  • This payment module of PayPal charges $5/month only for this service
  • Well, you can also enable the Accept Credit Card payments and process simply by activating PayPal Advanced payment gateway integration
  • Well, the store owners get the ability to configure the module between ‘Authorization and Capture’ or ‘Authorization only and Capture later’, when the products are ready to ship
  • Store owners are able to capture amount directly from configuration page.
  • At the same time, the store owners are able to cancel unsettled transactions or refund full or partial order amount from configuration page.

PrestaShop Payment Gateway is also able to provide facilities to cancel any type of unsettled transactions. It is also able to support the refund amount from configuration page. The payment gateway is also able to integrate the advanced module for valid purchase one domain or website and for installation in subsequent domains or websites. You will acquire a separate license to purchase it. You will find that the module works with both the PayPal Payment Gateway to link your account in an advanced manner.

Read Also: Getting a Hold on Trending Prestashop Modules

Compatible module for PrestaShop secured payment Transaction Gateway

  • This works amazingly with the Prestashop eCommerce Version 1.5.X and 1.6.X
  • Whether it work with previous versions or not it is not confirmed
  • You will find the module working in sync with Paypal Payment Advanced Account / Payflow link Account

Some of the important requirements for the installation and integration of PayPal Payment Gateway-

  • Vendor ID for Paypal Payment Advanced Account / Payflow link Account
  • Partner ID as `PayPal` for Paypal Payment Advanced Account / Payflow link Account
  • SSL Certificate required to install
  • Merchant Login for Paypal Payment Advanced Account / Payflow link Account
  • User Login Name for Paypal Payment Advanced Account / Payflow link Account
  • cURL is required and must compile into PHP

Another thing that is mandatory for the payment gateways to install is Ion Cube loader. The server must have it. Since if you do not have it then you can request your hosting provider to install this version of ion cube loader available at their website – http://www.ioncube.com/loader_installation.php

To use this secured payment Transaction module in your eCommerce store contact the professional developers who handles PrestaShop efficiently.

Download: PrestaShop PayPal Payment Advanced Module

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