PrestaShop PayPal Payment

PrestaShop PayPal Payment Gateway Modules

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Your PrestaShop ecommerce store is ready to go live. You want to offer secure payments to your customers; payments that are compatible with the modules that you have created in the Payment Category. eGrove Systems offers you exactly what you are looking for:

PrestaShop PayPal Modules which are easily customizable, safe and secure PayPal payment modules. PrestaShop PayPal Modules help you can chose the features that you want to offer to your customers viz. easy installment option, fraud protection, international payments etc.

eGrove offers PrestaShop PayPal Modules that are feature rich and admin as well as user friendly.

PrestaShop PayPal Pro 1.4

Prestashop Paypal Module is designed to integrate with the PayPal API and to accept payments using credit cards. However, this module has limited features when compared to the latest version of PrestaShop PayPal Pro 2.0 which consists of very interesting features like Authorize and Capture and Refund.

PrestaShop PayPal Pro UK 3D secure Module

Online retailers are under pressure from Credit Card companies and Banks to implement 3D Secure Technologies – “Verified by Visa and MasterCard SecureCode” aimed at providing security to shoppers as well as merchants. In some countries like the UK this has become essential and mandatory to process payment made using certain cards. PrestaShop PayPal UK has been designed exclusively for customers from the UK.

  • As a merchant you need the following to be 3D Secure Enabled
  • Your company / merchant site has to be registered with with Cardinal Commerce
  • You need to Configure your Merchant account in Cardinals Dashboard and in your PayPal’s Dashboard
  • You have to Test your 3D? Secure integration using Cardinal’s testing facilities.
  • All set to go… Update your website with required 3D secure logos, status windows, and other information for your customers.

PrestaShop PayPal Website Payment Pro Hosted – Solution

This module is a PrestaShop Payment Gateway Module designed to seamlessly intergrate with the PrestaShop eCommerce Software. PrestaShop PayPal Addons and to accept payments through credit card and Paypal accounts rather quickly. Information about the payment is collected by PayPal using an inline frame; PrestaShop PayPal Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution module supports Authorize & Capture, Authorize only and Capture later feature. It also provides facilities to Cancel/ Void any unsettled transactions from administration page. The module requires a Third party subscription, PrestaShop PayPal Website Payments Pro Hosted Solution Merchant account. PayPal’s Hosted Payment page is fully PCI complaint.

Comparison of features

PrestaShop PayPal Pro1.4 module accepts safe and secure payments through credit cards. Features like Authorize and Capture and Refund are not available in this version.

PrestaShop PayPal Website Payments Pro Module is unique and designed for users from countries like France, Spain, Italy, Japan, Australia, Hong-Kong, UK and the US.

PrestaShop PayPal Pro 3D is an ultra-safe online transaction module incorporating highly secure PrestaShop PayPal 3D protocol. It is inbuilt with all the features present in PayPal Pro 2.0 including Authorize, Capture and Capture n Refund.

Source: PrestaShop PayPal Payment Gateway Modules

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