Prestashop Ecommerce

PrestaShop eCommerce Store – Build an Online Website

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If you want to launch an eCommerce business, the first hurdle that you need to cross is none other than choosing the right online store builder. PrestaShop is one of the best eCommerce websites that you can download free. It has more than 50,000 community members and more than 33,000 online stores are using it as their shopping cart service providers.

Most of the eCommerce Website Development companies leverage the clients with a scalable and modular solution for which they consult the use of PrestaShop in most of the projects. All you need to hire a PrestaShop Developer with technical sound PHP knowledge.

Come to Know the Front Office and Back Office Features of PrestaShop

Online store builder like PrestaShop has some productive front-end and back end features; some of them listed here:

Front-Office Features

  • Featured products on the home page
  • Build-in product-image zoom
  • Customer subscription and user accounts
  • Unlimited payment gateways
  • Google Checkout module
  • RSS feeds

Back-Office Features

  • Unlimited categories and subcategories
  • Different currency settings and tax settings
  • SMS/Text-message module
  • Customized delivery status notification
  • Friendly URLs and Permalinks
  • SSL encryption
  • Smarty Templating-engine

Read also: PrestaShop Shopping Cart Addons – eGrove Systems

Installing the Platform with the help of PrestaShop Developers

You can go ahead with the installation process slowly or hire PrestaShop developers who are experts in installing them and provide you with a refined solution.

Step 1

The first thing that the experts perform is to access the directory where they have to upload the PrestaShop installation package.

Step 2

In the second step, the application is going to perform a system check. If they find everything in the right place, you will find green check marks and you can continue with the installation further.

Step 3

You have to enter your MySQL connection details for the database that you need to create.

Step 4

After the installation is complete, the experts then follow up with the login information for the back office purpose. Optionally, you can also upload the logo image of your brand; you can ask your PrestaShop developer to enable it during this stage.

Step 5

Get ready to use your PrestaShop eCommerce shopping cart solution!

Now the eCommerce Website Design & Development company will help you to customize the various aspects of the shop so that they are ready to meet the requirements of your business.

The PrestaShop comes with a number of advantages that has many useful features and if employed correctly can make your shop flexible. It is a professional shopping cart solution for online retailers and many people use it. Another big advantage is that it is built on open source and had a big community where you can seek any help if you do not get a professional or any reliable tech support at the time of need. However, the PrestaShop developers can reduce the issues of bugs and make your shop easy to use.

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