Magento 2 Pay failed order extension

The Trending Pay Failed Order Extension for Magento 2

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One of the important factors that determine your customer engagement rate is transaction speed and accuracy. No one would like to shop from an eCommerce store that displays the Transaction Failed messages. Even if the customer somehow manages to place the order and pay for the product, they would never return to your website if you make it inconvenient for them to proceed with the transaction.

Transaction failure or unsuccessful transactions are considered the most common reasons for cart abandonment. Customers find it frustrating to search for the products again and again and add them to their cart. Fortunately, Magento 2 has the perfect solution. It has recently released the Pay Failed Order Extension, which is mainly designed to streamline the transaction process and make it easier for your customers to pay for all the unsuccessful and failed transactions.

What is Pay Failed Order Module? How Can it Benefit Your eCommerce Store?

As the name suggests, the Pay Failed Order extension enables shoppers to pay for the unsuccessful orders. The customers have nothing to worry about as the module collects all the information they had entered, including coupons and products. Usually, Magento 2 offers a simple checkout process and quick transactions. However, if you are unable to execute the payment due to the network issues or some other technical problem, you are likely to encounter transaction failure and transaction unsuccessful issues.

If that happens, the Pay Failed Order Extension for your eCommerce store on Magento 2 saves the order details and any coupon or promotion codes applied. It displays ‘payment pending’ rather than canceling the order. If the merchant did not integrate the Pay Failed Order Module into their Magento 2 eCommerce store, customers would need to search for the product and all the details again to initiate the transaction.

Let’s have a look at the interesting features of this module.

Features of Pay Failed Order Module for Magento 2 eCommerce Store

  • The module enables customers to retrieve their order details in the shopping cart if the transaction has failed due to the technical or network problems. All the information related to the order is automatically retrieved including any discount or coupon applied.
  • The customers can navigate to the ‘My Orders’ section and click on the ‘Pay Now’ button to initiate the payment.
  • The merchant gets to decide how long they want the ‘Pay Now’ option to be enabled in the shopper’s ‘My Order’ section.
  • Your customers have nothing to worry about as everything is handled by the extension. The cart automatically retrieves all the product info your customer had added before the error.

Pay Failed Order Extension has to be purchased and integrated into your Magento 2 eCommerce store. Although the installation process is pretty simple, you can contact the support department should you face any issue while integrating the module.

Integrate Pay Failed Order Module into your Magento 2 Store and Increase Customer Retention

It gets pretty difficult for people to search for a particular product in your store all over again when transaction fails. If they had entered the coupon code or other details during the checkout process, they will need to fill them again if the transaction fails. That’s the common reason why customers abandon the carts and pick your competitors’ websites to shop for the product.

However, with this module installed on your eCommerce store, you can allow customers to click the Pay Now button and head to the checkout page. It saves time and encourages them to return to your website more often.

Read Also: Enable Shop Now & Pay Later option for Customers – Offline Payment Extension

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