Magento 2 Delivery Slot Extension

Magento 2 Delivery Slot Extension for eCommerce Store

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Give Your Customers an Option to Choose Their Preferred Slot for Delivery

Magento 2 has become one of the most famous and easy-to-use content management systems for store owners. No matter how small or giant your retail store is, the exciting features and Delivery Slot Extension of Magento 2 are always available for your rescue.

From allowing you to set up multiple payment gateways for transactions to letting store owners send push notifications; Magento 2 has reliable extensions for all your eCommerce requirements. One such popular extension that is getting popular every day is a Magento 2 Delivery slot with REST API

As the name quite suggests, this extension allows customers to select the most suitable magento 2 delivery time slot and magento 2 estimated delivery date options after placing the order and transferring the payment. Not only customers get to choose their preferred Delivery Slot Extension but they can also add the necessary delivery information while checking out.

Why Use Magento 2 Delivery Slot Extension for Your eCommerce Store?

The Magento 2 delivery slot extension eases the overall tracking, processing, and scheduling of the delivery of your customer’s order. Based on the zip code, the extension will display a list of available magento 2 delivery date and time slots to your customers. They can choose the appropriate one, allowing you to track their address and schedule delivery. Whatever instructions your customers have given will be displayed on the order confirmation page. The merchant can go through the details and schedule the delivery according to their customer’s requirements.

You might be wondering how this extension works. Without further ado, let’s have a look at the working of the Magento 2 Delivery slot with REST API in short.

Features of Magento 2 delivery extension

  • You can group the zip codes with their respective delivery slots.
  • Edit delivery slots details as well as magento 2 delivery time slot.
  • Introduce vacation, events, occasion, and holidays to restrict the zip codes and timing of delivery.
  • Use the REST API to integrate this feature into their smartphone apps.

The Working of the Delivery slot with REST API for Magento 2

As mentioned before, the job of this extension is to help customers provide instructions and their preferred delivery slot. These instructions are then used by the merchants to schedule their delivery.  

With the help of the Magento 2 delivery slot extension with API module, the merchant can map slot groups to a particular delivery slot. As soon as the delivery instructions are added by customers, the delivery slot extension starts to search for available delivery slots according to the customer’s zip code and displays the information to the customer (allowing them to select the appropriate slot). With the help of this information, it gets quite easier for the admin to schedule deliveries properly

Read Also: Is There An Extension That Allows Customers To Pay For Their Failed Orders?

If store owners are unable to process the delivery to specific zip codes at a certain hour of the day, then they get the option of removing the particular zip code for that hour. This way even if the customer places an order using the restricted zip code and asks for delivery at the restricted hours, the list of the available delivery slot will not show up on their screen. This is especially helpful in restricting the zip codes and delivery timing during holidays, vacations, and occasions. 

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