
HelpDesk Ultimate offers Store Owners to Migrate Tickets Hassle-Free

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Helpdesk Ultimate for Magento module gives the support to their customers. It is a software suite that allows customer support to process, receive, and respond to service requests. Magento Helpdesk Extension on the definition to serve their customers by creating a powerful ticket-management platform that enables you to centralize all tickets with priority, types, ticket status and much more. We can easily increase the productivity by automating our ticket management via SLA, Events & Triggers, Ticket Rules, etc. Helpdesk Ultimate enables the support with the web, email.

Features for Customers

Create a ticket via a Contact Us Tab

This feature allows creating tickets using a Contact Us tab, which is shown on the left or right side of all store page. When a customer ticks on the tab, the help desk shows a popup window comprising the Contact Us form.

  • You can allow a customer to pick a department and priority of a ticket in the form.
  • The customer can attach files.
  • You can add your custom entries to the form (text, dropdown list, calendar, etc.).
  • You can enable integration with the Mirasvit Knowledge Base extension.

If integration is enabled, the customer will perform a search in the knowledge base before initiating a ticket. Contrarily, the customer will open a new ticket.

Create a record via a Contact form

This feature allows you to generate tickets utilizing the Magento Contact form.

  • You can enable a customer to select the department and priority of a ticket.
  • The customer can attach files.
  • You can connect your custom fields to the application (text, calendar, dropdown list, etc.).

Customer Account

Customer account comprises a section named Help Desk. By attending this section, a customer can do the following things:

  • Create a ticket or response to a ticket.
  • View the list of tickets.
  • Check his/her news history for any ticket.
  • Check the highlighted records with new messages in the list.

Features for Support Agents
List of Tickets

You can configure a program of the columns which are arranged in the tickets table.

      You can complete mass actions with the tickets as follows:

      • Perform a variance of Priority, Status, Owner.
      • Move tickets to Archive.
      • Move tickets to Spam.
      • Merge tickets.
      • New delete tickets.
      • You can conduct a global search of the tickets.
      • Efficient search algorithm. Search within all the fields of the tickets. Results are distributed by relevance.

Archive of Tickets

Tickets which do not claim any actions from the agents (such as setting for an explanation from a customer or are closed), can be quickly moved to the archive. Hence, you’ll be simply left with the tickets which are located in the main list of the tickets and require answers from agents.

You can adjust extension settings to define status under which your ticket will be automatically moved into the archive. Also, you can set up the workflow rules to enable automatic redirection of a ticket to or from the archive.

Working with Tickets

The agent can link a record with a customer and his order. This characteristic works for registered and non-registered customers.

      • Agent can practice quick responses (predefined templates of answers)
      • Agent can use CC, BCC for ticket emails New
      • The agent can see a source of the ticket.
      • The agent can add tags to the ticket.
      • The agent can add an internal comment (customer won’t be able to see it).
      • The agent can see/edit values of the custom fields.
      • The agent can setup the Follow Up feature.
      • This feature allows automatic dispatching of an email notification to Agent as well as a reversal of status, priority, buyer of the ticket after a remarkable specified period.
      • The agent can check the list of other tickets for this customer.
      • The agent can see whether another agent is responding to a current ticket.
      • Every agent can setup owns their signature for emails. The signature can include HTML tags and images.

New Conversation with Third Parties Must Have

The agent can forward emails to third parties and receive the results from them on the ticket page. These messages can comprise a conversation with the shipping company, suppliers, etc. Conversations can be public or private. Customers will see public discussions in the ticket history. Private communications will be visible only for agents.

List of tickets in the consumer/order edit page

The agent can open the client page in the backend and check all the tickets prepared for their customer.
He can also open the request page in the backend and check all the cards which are correlated with the current order.

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