Magento Facebook Extension

Facebook Coupon Extension in Magento to Grasp Customer Attention

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Magento is the most flexible and scalable open source eCommerce solution that offers merchants complete flexibility and control over the look, functionality, and content of their websites. More than 200,000 online merchants trust that Magento is the suitable platform for the eCommerce business. It has several themes which help to make the website very attractive. With Magento Development, the merchant can build a robust eCommerce store. Many companies out there provide development services at an affordable cost. It is best to choose the service provider based on your business requirements. By using these development services, you can improve the performance of your online store.



The pros of Magento Development services

  • Supports multiple currencies and multiple languages, i.e., around 56 languages to extend the business to an international level.
  • Allows you to add, edit, and delete products in the store at any time.
  • Integrates with many payment gateways to make the payment services in your eCommerce store more secure.
  • Supports different shipping carriers to offer the best shipping process.
  • Powerful marketing and promotional tools help to promote the products effectively.
  • Integrates with Google Analytics and generates a report about the performance of your website in the eCommerce business world.
  • SEO friendly software which offers essential search engine friendly elements such as Meta content, use of the canonical tag, top-level URLs, search-friendly URLs, redirecting functionality, etc.

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The Magento Facebook Coupon Module

One of the excellent features of Magento is, it is easily integrated with social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google +, and Yahoo. The Magento Facebook Coupon Module is one of the best modules in Magento which integrate Facebook with Magento eCommerce store to attract all the Facebook users towards the store. Facebook is one of the largest and popular social networking sites, which is visited by more than 900 million people every month. Over 20 million people become fans of Facebook pages each day.

According to a survey, an average user of Facebook spends an average of 15 hours and 33 minutes on Facebook per month and visits the site 40 times per month.

By integrating Facebook with your Magento eCommerce store, you can easily reach millions of people at one go. It helps to increase fans on Facebook, which boost your ranking in Google. This Facebook module has different features which are used to increase the visibility of your store. The products in your store will be displayed with Facebook Like and Recommended button. If your customer clicks Facebook Like button to share your brand page or product, then he gets a discount, and that product will be posted in his friend’s wall.

Benefits of Facebook Coupon Extension

The coupon extension is the best way for you to market the product quickly in a single click by your customers. It encourages customer satisfaction by offering discounts to them and boost customers to buy more products from your store. It allows millions of Facebook users to access your website. It brings more traffic by increasing the visibility of your website.

There are many Magento Social Media Modules that are used to improve the performance of the store. The merchant can choose the module based on the business requirements. These modules are widely used to develop the website and easily attract many customers towards the eCommerce store.

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