PrestaShop PayPal Pro Payment Module

Ensure safe payment using PrestaShop PayPal Pro

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Every business needs to find ways to make the payment process in the eCommerce store more secured as payment processing is vital to the success of any organization. If you run an eCommerce store, you should provide a safe payment transaction experience to your customers. This leads to high traffic and sales.

Mostly the Credit Card Payment process in PrestaShop eCommerce store helps customers to do repeat business with that particular organization or not. This process widely used to attract customers as well as to increase the growth of the business. If you want to succeed in your online business, you should make your customers feel very safe and comfortable during the checkout process.

How to process payment transaction in an online store?

There are different types of payment processing techniques are used by the business owners. But many people prefer to use their credit cards during the payment process in the eCommerce store to purchase products. Hence, the eCommerce store owners use payment gateways to process the payment transactions in their online stores.

A payment gateway act as a link between the merchant and the customer at the time of payment processing in the eCommerce store. It has the ability to process the payment transaction in a fast and quick way. Plenty of payment gateways are ready to provide the payment services to the online users. The merchant can choose a perfect payment gateway for his online store business.


PrestaShop Paypal Pro Plus Module

This payment gateway enables the merchant to accept major credit card payments from the customers and process the payment transaction in a safe and simple manner. It offers a seamless checkout experience to the users.

PrestaShop online store

More than 165,000 online stores are powered by PrestaShop eCommerce Module. It has many rich features that help merchant to run a successful online business in the eCommerce business world. One of the best features of PrestaShop is, it easily integrates with many payment gateways such as PayPal, Authorize.Net, First Data, eWay, ChronoPay, IcePay, website payments pro hosted, PayPal Pro, etc.

PayPal Pro

PayPal is an international payment gateway which hosted the PayPal Pro solution. The PayPal Pro accepts all the payments through credit cards from the customers. It also allows the users to pay by using their credit card or their PayPal account. Most of the people don’t want to redirect to another site during the payment process, because they feel that it is not safe. Hence, PayPal Pro process the payments within the site.

Safe payment in PrestaShop using PayPal Pro

PayPal Pro integrates with the PrestaShop eCommerce site to ensure the safe payment process in the store. It allows merchant to receive payments from his customer through credit cards on the website and process the payment transaction in the PayPal payment gateway.

The PrestaShop PayPal Pro Payment Module developed to provide a safe payment process in the eCommerce store. Without redirecting the customer it processes the payment transaction within the merchant (PrestaShop) site itself. This makes customers feel secure and boost them to visit your website again and again.

Download: PrestaShop PayPal Pro Payment Module

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