Mail chimp

Combining Prestashop with Mail Chimp integration

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In all probability every retailer under the Sun would have definitely tried to at least explore the capabilities of Prestashop. Being one of the very competent open source platforms for setting up a fully fledged online store, Prestashop has forever topped the list of most preferable software amongst aspiring online retailers. Though it itself comes packed with out-of-the-box attributes, plugging in few extra add-ons could do wonders to your online store. One such add-on which you could consider is the Mail Chimp. There couldn’t be a marketer unaware of Mail Chimp which is an excellent medium for email marketing. You can send 100s of personalized emails at a single shot with different themes and layouts to catch the attention of your customers. Mail Chimp with Prestashop could undoubtedly offer astounding results to retailers and support them tremendously in scaling up their online business.

Diving deeper into its aspects would give us a better idea of what actually this combination has in store.

As a marketer you will need to link your Prestashop online space with Mail Chimp account. To begin with, Mail Chimp will help you in leveraging the power of email marketing to a huge extent.

  • Tracking customer behavior:

Now you are to enjoy the dual benefits of Prestashop and Mail Chimp. The analytics in Prestashop will help you gain insights about customer behavior, their preferences, style of shopping and so on. This trend could be used to send relevant marketing emails to these customers based on their likes and dislikes. Doesn’t it sound great?

  • Feeding information:

Updating your customer base about happenings in your online space is pivotal. This proactive approach can be actively accomplished with Mail Chimp. Updated information on your web page is automatically emailed to customers in your database minimizing the communication gap and helping you engage deeper.

  • Advertising:

You could frame ads and target audience with the help of social media on Facebook, Instagram and Google. You could search for customers based on their previous activity and probe them to connect with you.

  • Schedule events:

This is in fact a very significant feature of mail chimp which is scheduling events on your calendar. You needn’t sit back to click the send button every time but fix up a date and time to shoot out your scheduled ad email to your customers. You could stick on to the most preferred shopping season of the year, consider the mood of customers at different instances and set up the email schedule.

  • Persuade customers:

Mail chimp with Prestashop will help you go the extra mile with giving you valid information about customers who have been left out or have not visited your website for a long time. You could send and resend reminders just to show your presence and persuade them to check into your space for latest products.

  • Rewarding customers:

What more could your customer ask for than a fat reward for his loyalty? Yes. You could offer rewards like discounts, special offers, and free gifts for loyal customers which would probe them to come back for more. This strategy can also be used when your customers spread the word and share information about your webpage to others.

Keep following Prestashop to discover more of its amazing capabilities!

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