Marketplace Extension

Stock Notification Addon in Marketplace Extension – Grasp the Sale

Post Views: 358

It is a fact that small businesses out number medium and big companies. So how the small businesses will be able to achieve their dream of building up an online store? The only solution to this issue is to rely on an online marketplace to conduct their business activities online. Thus, online marketplaces have accessed popularity among customers and provide advantages to small retailers without having to set up their online store. They need have to register with the Marketplace and upload their product, and the rest will be taken care of by the eCommerce merchants who would have integrated Marketplace Multi-Vendor Extension on their site.

What is an Online Marketplace?

An Online Marketplace is a site where multiple vendors can quickly sell their products online without the need to set up their eCommerce website. This medium enables vendors to start uploading products, manage orders, manage products, and manage product promotion and many more, using the facilities of the online Marketplace. At the backend, the store owner will be able to control products, orders as well as transactions, besides, to have total control over the running of the marketplace.

Use of Stock Notification Addon

The eCommerce store owners have the option to add the functionality and appearance of their site using several eCommerce Modules that are accessible in the market. Of these, the Marketplace Stock Notification Addon is a handy feature that can be integrated into their Marketplace site to inform customers about the stock position of particular products in the store.

The Marketplace out-of-stock notification extension facilitates the marketplace store owner to retain customers through timely passing on the stock notification. This add-on gathers the customers email id when a product is not in stock. Once the marketplace store owner replenishes the stock of that product, customers will receive an email notification regarding the stock update, and a reminder will be sent to customers to buy them. Using this extension, the admin can keep a watch of the status of notifications in the notification list.

Features of Marketplace Stock Notification Addon

  • Enables user to enter Email Id for those products that are Out of Stock.
  • The seller can instantly notify customers after the stock replenishment.
  • Emails sent automatically to customers once the stock is replenished.
  • Enables to maintain the status of notifications in Notification List
  • Have the option to delete items from Notify List by the admin.


An online marketplace has many advantages for both buyers as well as sellers. The dramatic increase of online Marketplaces has necessitated the store owners to install various eCommerce Modules to their site to add the functionality and look of their Marketplace site to entice customers.

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