Social Signal

Tracking Social Signal Ranking for Domain Performance

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There are many e-stores and websites available on the internet, that sell various products and services. But only few of them are popular and many sites still remain unknown to most of the people. This is mainly due to lack of SEO and marketing.

According to a survey, the number of social network users worldwide from 2010 to 2014 has steadily increased from 0.97 billion to 1.82 billion and is estimated to reach 2.33 billion by 2017.

Therefore, an efficient strategy to enhance a site’s performance is through the Social Signal Tracking. The power of social networking sites is not to be underestimated. It serves as the means to announce about anything and everything to anybody and everybody. Each persons interest varies and with the help of these social sites, merchants can focus on their target audience. But, how? This is where an SEO tool comes into the picture.

Website SEO Promotion Tool

Performing all the SEO activities and keeping track of social signals is not possible manually. To make things easier it is best to use an SEO tool. A good SEO tool will keep track of the activities on popular social sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google plus, etc. This helps to know about people’s interest and what matters most to them.

For instance, One of my friends came across an apparel online store advertisement when browsing Facebook. Since she had liked it, the ad was displayed on my profile page and so on pages of other friends in the friends list. The ad was about an offer of Buy 1 Get 1 which was most preferred. All friends together made many purchases as it was a festive season. The online store would have definitely made great sales and profit that particular day. This is in regard to just my group of friends, but several other shoppers would have also availed this offer. This is the power of social networks.

Social Media Site Optimization

A reliable SEO tool should definitely have this Social Signal Tracking feature, that provides the traffic analytics report for the domain via social networks. The report must include the following:

    • Visits to the website via social networks
    • Page views from social networks
    • New visits from social sites
    • Duration of each visit
    • Average duration of visits from the social sites

Read also: Magento Social Login Extension Allow Users to SignIn & SignUp Process

According to statistics, As of June 2014, Facebook is the most leading social network worldwide with 1,280 million active users.

If you are keen on driving traffic to your website then make sure to integrate an excellent SEO tool that will help to increase your followers and get more likes and shares. Publicize your brand name and also improve sales to a great extent by using this amazing branding technique.

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