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2021 November
  • Restaurants

    As Restaurant Labor Shortages Rise, Mobile Ordering Can Help

    Post Views: 301

    Restaurants are focused on getting back to normal in 2021, but they are still facing challenges such as employee shortages and adjustments to new trends....

  • enhance grocery delivery

    New Container Technology Could Enhance Grocery Delivery

    Post Views: 317

    Grocery delivery is on the rise, and companies are investing heavily in new technology to make it more convenient and accessible to shoppers. The pandemic...

  • opengraph

    What is Open Graph and Why is it Important to your Web Pages?

    Post Views: 327

    Social media is how many people share content on the Internet. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are ideal ways to share content from various...

  • Resturant Association

    Restaurants Association Call for Principles for Third-Party Delivery

    Post Views: 290

    Restaurants are becoming increasingly dependent on third-party delivery in order to reach their customers, but various issues plague delivery. Restaurant operators aren’t happy with the...